时间: 2013-08-30     来源:联合电讯    

   此次捐赠的这幅画是表现西北山区山村的贫困孩子的写生创作,其实选择了很多基金会,最后还是选择半边天基金会捐助主要原因在于公开透明,半边天基金会http://www.halfthesky.org/zh-hans于1998年成立,发起人为从中国领养孤儿的美国家长。其宗旨是通过项目帮助在中国福利院生活的孩子们。该组织的支持者已从原来的几个家庭发展到遍布世界各国的两万多个家庭。该基金会的命名引用中国名言 “妇女能顶半边天”。 其使命是通过婴幼儿抚育、儿童早期教育及针对个体学习能力与兴趣的寓学于乐等多种方法与活动,提高孤残儿童的生活质量。






  Mr. CHEN Jinrong, AKA Zichen, is from Tongwei County, Gansu Province. He

  graduated from Department of Fine Arts of Gansu Normal University. Mr. Chen is renowned for his portrait and interpreta

  tion of horses and is also member of many acknowledged artist associations. His work, Traditional Chinese Realistic Painting of Horse, has claimed many titles home and abroad. Moreover, Portrait of Eight Steeds has been included by the Gansu Provincial Government as honourable gifts to dignified overseas guests and personalities. He also has unique and special understanding and interpretation of Bamboos in different settings. Mr. Chen’s works have great value and are one of the best choices for your investment.

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